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Entries Tagged as 'Drug Addiction Alternative Treatment'

The Dry Drunk Syndrome and Hypoglycemia

May 21st, 2007 · No Comments

Dry-drunk is a term used, often disparagingly, by members of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and by substance abuse counselors to describe the recovering alcoholic who is no longer drinking but who still demonstrates the same alcoholic behaviors and attitudes. Studies have shown that up to 90% of alcoholics are hypoglycemic (low blood sugar).


Tags: Alcohol Addiction · Drug Addiction Alternative Treatment · Sugar Addiction

Alternative Treatment International

May 15th, 2007 · No Comments

Recently, Alternative Treatments for Drug and Alcohol Abuse and Emotional Issues have emerged. This new generation of Treatment Programs differ in comparison to traditional methods because they strive to get to the root of the psychological issues. By uncovering the psychological issues that lead the individual down the path to Addiction or other destructive behaviors, the Drug and Alcohol Therapists are able to better treat the client.


Tags: Drug Addiction Alternative Treatment

Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center Provides Holistic Addiction Recovery Options to a Variety of Addicts

May 11th, 2007 · No Comments

Holistic Treatment Centers offer a combination of treatment options, focusing on each clients physiological, emotional, and spiritual healing.


Tags: Drug Addiction Alternative Treatment

Addiction Psychiatrist Offers Free Information On Alcohol Addiction Options

May 9th, 2007 · No Comments

Free, no-obligation five (5) part mini-course on alcoholism treatment and recovery strategies.


Tags: Drug Addiction Alternative Treatment

Prescription Drug Abuse

May 5th, 2007 · No Comments

According to a National Institute on Drug Abuse research report, there are three classes of prescription drugs that are most commonly abused:

1- opioids, which are most often prescribed to treat pain – examples include: codeine, oxycodone (OxyContin and Percocet), and morphine (Kadian and Avinza);

2- central nervous system (CNS) depressants, which are used to treat anxiety and sleep disorders – examples include: barbiturates (Mebaral and Nembutal) and benzodiazepines (Valium and Xanax);

3- stimulants, which are prescribed to treat the sleep disorder narcolepsy, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and obesity – examples include: dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine and Adderall) and methylphenidate (Ritalin and Concerta).

Many people benefit from the appropriate use of prescription pain killers, but, when abused, they can be as addictive and dangerous as illegal drugs. Prescription drugs should only be taken exactly as directed by a medical professional.


Tags: Drug Addiction Alternative Treatment · Prescription Drugs Addiction

3 Questions You Must Ask A Drug And Alcohol Center

May 5th, 2007 · No Comments

Three important questions you must ask a drug and alcohol treatment center.


Tags: Drug Addiction Alternative Treatment

A Fresh Start

May 5th, 2007 · No Comments

Assisting families who are looking for alternative addiction treatment facilities.


Tags: Drug Addiction Alternative Treatment

Alternative Medicine Solutions For Drug Addictions

May 3rd, 2007 · No Comments

This site is focused on the most current alternative and natural health treatments for alcohol addiction, smoking, sugar addiction and drugs, both prescription drugs and street drugs. Frequently these addictions are inter-related and people have more than one substance that they are addicted to.

Research shows that conventional counseling and 12 Step programs have low success rates for the long term. What we support is a holistic health approach. “Holistic” means that the addiction treatment program is designed to treat the whole person, not just the symptoms of substance abuse. By treating the entire person – body, mind, and spirit, you have the best chance of success. read more


Tags: Drug Addiction Alternative Treatment

Fight Alcoholism Through Nutrition

April 30th, 2007 · No Comments

After years of research, Joan Mathews Larson, Ph.D., author of Seven Weeks To Sobriety – The Proven Program To Fight Alcoholism Through Nutrition, set up an addiction treatment clinic in Minneapolis, MN that has over a 70% success rate. The Health Recovery Center was a pioneer in a holistic way of treating patients.

Dr. Larson states that “talk therapy” can help with coping skills and serious emotional issues but it cannot repair your alcohol altered brain and nervous system or banish the depression, unstable moods, and cravings that stem from the biochemical changes alcohol brings about. The program focuses on biochemical repair and restoration.

The recovery program is built around two premises:


Tags: Alcohol Addiction · Drug Addiction Alternative Treatment

Alcohol Addiction and Hypoglycemia

April 29th, 2007 · No Comments

Alcohol addiction is basically a sugar addiction. Hypoglycemia ( low blood sugar) is a factor for about 95 percent of alcoholics, and it may well be a major cause of alcoholism.

Alcohol is the ultimate refined carbohydrate, capable of elevating blood sugar levels even faster than white sugar. Consuming alcohol gives a temporary rise in blood sugar so the drinker feels relaxed and energized. When blood sugar drops, the person wants more. It is highly recommended that you take a lab test for hypoglycemia to help analyze your condition.

Brigitte Mars, author of Addiction-Free Naturally, states that when you quit drinking, it’s essential that you feed your body a cleansing, healthy diet that supplies the nutrients it needs to recover from alcohol abuse. It is important to keep the body’s blood sugar level stable by eating small, frequent meals. Avoid sugar, sweets, sweetened fruit juices, caffeine, and refined carbohydrates such as breads and pasta. Eat plenty of vegetables and whole grains and drink plenty of water.

When you have a craving for alcohol, try any of the following foods:


Tags: Alcohol Addiction · Drug Addiction Alternative Treatment · Sugar Addiction