Which doctor is incompetent? Conventional or Alternative?
This is important in determining how to overcome your health condition.
Questionable and Deceptive Medical Practices
This rift between large medical organizations which set policies as to what constitutes “accepted standards of care” is prototypic of the raging conflict between conventional and non-conventional or alternative medicine.
The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), being the “new kid on the block,” apparently treads lightly and seeks to merely “complement” conventional medicine in order to avoid a confrontation with conventional medicine, which sees any challenge to its supremacy as “unproven, unsafe, worthless, incompetent, unprofessional, improper, unlawful, fraudulent and felonious.” Most of NCCAMs projects and grants are aimed at research into indigenous healing practices such as herbal medicine, and very little is focused on functional medicine, the author’s field of expertise.
From the conventional medicine perspective, functional medicine practice is negligent and from the functional medicine perspective, conventional medicine practice is negligent because each group is violating the “accepted standards of care” of the other group. Therefore, each group appears to be fraudulent to the other.
Functional Medicine
Any outstanding doctor needs to be a great detective and should be using functional medicine to determine the real cause of your symptoms.
Functional medicine is defined as “personalized medicine that deals with primary prevention and underlying causes, instead of symptoms, for serious chronic disease,” and functional medicine is popularly classified as a type of Alternative Medicine. Functional medicine relies heavily on investigating biochemical, nutritional, metabolic, toxicological, allergic, immune, hormonal, neurotransmitter and genetic variables using diagnostic laboratory testing of stool, urine, saliva, blood and hair samples.
Thus functional medicine seeks to determine the underlying causes of drug abuse or chronic disease, rather than palliative treatment of symptoms with medications or herbal products (see Diagram below, Conventional Medicine vs Functional Medicine Method of Establishing a Diagnosis).