Dr. Joan Mathews-Larson presentation on video: Dual Diagnosis: Mental Illness as a Nutritional Deficiency Disease.
Entries Tagged as 'Drug Addiction Alternative Treatment'
Dual Diagnosis: Mental Illness as a Nutritional Deficiency Disease
November 14th, 2007 · No Comments
Tags: Drug Addiction Alternative Treatment
The Process of Recovery
November 13th, 2007 · No Comments
Dr. Cardwell Nuckols video about the process of addiction recovery.
Tags: Drug Addiction Alternative Treatment
Eliminating the Top Causes of Relapse in Recovery
November 12th, 2007 · No Comments
Julia Ross recently gave a presentation at the Beyond Talk Therapy: New Frontiers in Addiction Treatment Symposium in Sacramento, California. Her topic: Substitute Addiction To Carbs, Caffeine and Nicotine: Eliminating the Top Causes of Relapse and Death in Recovery. This video is a 'must see' for anyone who wants to learn that it is possible to use nutrition and specific supplements instead of drugs to be successful in recovery.
Tags: Drug Addiction Alternative Treatment
Beyond Therapy – Nutritional Medicine to Solve Addiction
November 7th, 2007 · No Comments
Dr. Larson recently gave a presentation at the Beyond Talk Therapy: New Frontiers in Addiction Treatment Symposium in Sacramento, California. Her topic: Beyond Therapy -Nutritional Medicine to Solve Addiction. This video is a 'must see' for anyone who wants to learn about effective non-drug treatments for those with addiction problems.
Tags: Drug Addiction Alternative Treatment
Consequences of Addiction: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
November 6th, 2007 · No Comments
Orthomolecular addiction treatments improve and increasingly counteract toximolecular treatment and improve clinical outcomes. You must see this video presentation by Dr. Charles Gant.
Tags: Drug Addiction Alternative Treatment
Simple Solution To Prison Violence
October 18th, 2007 · No Comments
Most people in the prison system are there because of drugs. Why do you think?
Could some of it be that the persons body chemistry was out of balance and they were self medicating to try and find an answer and that is why they started using drugs in the first place?
Research has also shown that many violent kids have had an unbalanced biochemistry. Violence often leads people to prisons.
Don’t you think that the people in charge of our prison systems would look at all possibilities to lower prison violence and recidivism. Like maybe they should test prisoners and see if they are biochemically out of balance? Or, at least they could give a very nutritious meal?
Professor Stephen Schoenthaler from California State University, Stanislaus, has some fascinating research that should enlighten all of us.
In the past 25 years, Professor Stephen Schoenthaler’s work has appeared in many prestigious scholarly journals worldwide and he has published over 40 peer reviewed articles and 150 professional presentations in addition to having multiple television specials devoted to his work. What interests many is his discovery that the use of vitamin-mineral supplements was able to reduce, on average, prison rule violations 38% in California using supplements that cost 4 cents per day, with a savings to taxpayers in a ratio of $1 invested in supplement returning $1,000 to the State within one month. This research has been repeated and confirmed by Oxford University in England and other researchers in The Netherlands.
How did Dr. Schoenthaler figure a ratio of $1 invested in supplements returns $1,000 within a month to the Department of Corrections?
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics document entitled “Prison Rule Violators,” there is an average of 1.75 violations per inmate per year, but 8% average 11 or more per year. Approximately 20% are violent without injury and 10% are violent with injury. Rule violations typically result in administrative actions that result in sanctions such as a loss of good time (that allows early prison), segregation, solitary confinement, and occasional criminal prosecution by local district attorneys.
The costs associated with rule violations include:
Tags: Drug Addiction Alternative Treatment
Sugar and Crime
October 16th, 2007 · No Comments
Professor Stephen Schoenthaler, PhD, began researching the relationship between nutrition and crime in 1980. He reported that institutional violence in Virginia had been cut in half after reducing the amount of sugar in the diet at no cost. By 1985, his research teams had successfully replicated such behavioral changes in 817 institutions in New York City, Los Angeles, and other locations within Virginia, Alabama, and California. These results included a 16 percentile improvement in English and Math scores among 1.1 million New York City schoolchildren and 48% reduction in juvenile violence among over 7,000 confined teenagers. Many of these childrens daily caloric intakes were over 25% sucrose, two and a half times above the World Health Organizations upper safety limit.
In 1985, Professor Schoenthaler’s teams discovered a link between high sugar intake and low vitamin and intake in juvenile and adult correctional facilities in New York, Florida, Oklahoma, and California. It appeared that a high sugar diet was displacing essential nutrients for good health. Even more startling, Professor Schoenthaler reported that low vitamin and mineral intake was linked with institutional violence. In fact, low intake was a better predictor of institutional violence than violence before incarceration.
In 1986, Professor Schoenthaler suspected that the reason why behavior improved on a low sugar diet was due to the increase in vitamins and minerals. To test this theory, his research teams gave vitamin-mineral supplements daily to confined offenders in Oklahoma and California and violence suddenly dropped in each facility between 37 and 43%. He realized that tablets and diet changes might be producing behavior changes due to psychological effects, the expectation that things might improve or the extra attention.
So in 1987, Professor Schoenthaler’s research team at California State University, Stanislaus decided to do a make-or-break test of the theory by conducting a randomized, controlled trial, the only type of research design the scientific community accepts as definitive. Confined Oklahoma teenage offenders were either given a course of vitamin-mineral tablets or fake dummy pills called placebos for three months and behavior, before and after, was measured using the institutions records of disciplinary actions. The results were clear cut. Offenders given supplements behaved significantly better than offenders given placebos. Among offenders with low initial concentrations of vitamins in their blood who were given vitamin-mineral tablets, violence fell over 90%.
Tags: Drug Addiction Alternative Treatment · Sugar Addiction
Drug Detox Naturally
June 30th, 2007 · No Comments
Dr. Elson M. Haas, author of The New Detox Diet, lists some of his top steps for drug detox.
Tags: Drug Addiction Alternative Treatment
Alcohol Detox
June 25th, 2007 · No Comments
In addition to detox from alcohol addiction, additional information is also available in Dr. Elson Haas book about detoxing for sugar, nicotine, caffeine and drugs.
Tags: Alcohol Addiction · Drug Addiction Alternative Treatment
Amino Acid Therapy – What is it?
May 23rd, 2007 · No Comments
Neurotransmitter Restoration (NTR) is the restoration and re-balancing of normal neurotransmission in the brain through IV amino acids and is one way to overcome a drug addiction. Thousands of people have successfully used this program to beat their addiction.